IMEX Q u A: Hemm xi ħaġa bħan-normal li jmiss?

Carina Bauer explains: “With the world gradually beginning to open up, the business events community needs to carefully plan ahead, taking into account the huge world shifts we’ve experienced. This conversation will draw on Nicola’s extensive experience to share her insights and learnings on how to adapt and thrive in the months ahead.”

The Q&A with Nicola and Carina will be 20 minutes long followed by 20 minutes for audience questions. ‘On the road to a purposeful recovery, is there such a thing as a next normal?’ takes place on 21 April. Register for free here.

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# IMEX21



Dwar l-Awtur

Linda Hohnholz, editur tal-eTN

Linda Hohnholz ilha tikteb u teditja artikli mill-bidu tal-karriera tax-xogħol tagħha. Hija applikat din il-passjoni intrinsika għal postijiet bħall-Hawaii Pacific University, Chaminade University, il-Hawaii Children's Discovery Centre, u issa TravelNewsGroup.

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