It-Turiżmu fil-Hawaii: L-infiq għall-viżitaturi naqas Aloha Istat

There were 223,124 visitors from the U.S. East in August 2021, compared to 7,668 visitors (+2,809.7%) in August 2020, and 199,659 visitors (+11.8%) in August 2019. U.S. East visitors spent $482.2 million in August 2021 compared to $379.1 million (+27.2%) in August 2019. Higher average daily visitor spending ($223 per person, +8.5%) and a longer length of stay (9.68 days, +4.9%) contributed to the growth in U.S. East visitor expenditures. 

There were 3,005 visitors from Japan in August 2021, compared to 334 visitors (+799.4%) in August 2020, versus 160,728 visitors (-98.1%) in August 2019. Visitors from Japan spent $9.5 million in August 2021 compared to $236.9 million (-96.0%) in August 2019.

In August 2021, 6,154 visitors arrived from Canada, compared to 102 visitors (+5,926.1%) in August 2020, versus 28,672 visitors (-78.5%) in August 2019. Visitors from Canada spent $14.7 million in August 2021 compared to $57.2 million (-74.3%) in August 2019.

There were 20,929 visitors from All Other International Markets in August 2021. These visitors were from Guam, Other Asia, Europe, Latin America, Oceania, Philippines, and Pacific Islands. In comparison, there were 2,061 visitors (+915.3%) from All Other International Markets in August 2020, versus 116,608 visitors (-82.1%) in August 2019. 

In August 2021, a total of 5,492 trans-Pacific flights and 1,139,215 seats served the Hawaiian Islands, compared to only 829 flights and 179,570 seats in August 2020, versus 5,469 flights and 1,212,926 seats in August 2019. 


Dwar l-Awtur

Harry Johnson

Harry Johnson kien l-editur tal-inkarigu għal eTurboNews għal aktar minn 20 sena. Jgħix f'Honolulu, Hawaii, u huwa oriġinarjament mill-Ewropa. Jieħu gost jikteb u jkopri l-aħbarijiet.

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