Distrett ta 'Hong Kong Tsim Sha Tsui f'Kowloon: Turiżmu u protesti fi tmiem din il-ġimgħa

Hong Kong is currently in its fifth month of protests, which have plunged it into its biggest political crisis in decades and taken a heavy toll on the economy.  The center of tourism is Tsim Sha Tsui in Hong Kong’s Kowloon district. The area was in the center this weekend when police used teargas to…

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  • Ħong Kong bħalissa jinsab fil-ħames xahar ta’ protesti, li waħħlu fl-akbar kriżi politika tiegħu f’għexieren ta’ snin u ħallew effett kbir fuq l-ekonomija.
  • The area was in the center this weekend when police used teargas to….
  •   The center of tourism is Tsim Sha Tsui in Hong Kong's Kowloon district.


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