Dawn huma l-Aħjar Bliet Foodie 2021 fl-Amerika

Kummentarju Espert

What tips can you provide to foodies on a tight budget?

“Cook at home – it is a lot of fun and is generally less expensive than eating out…That said, if you prefer to eat out, look for authenticity. Those local restaurants are making time-honored recipes. These are likely to be small, independent operators who have more flexibility with regards to menus, which means more options at different price points. Sharing an entrée with someone is another way to cut costs. Alcohol can be a significant add-on to a restaurant check, so if you can avoid the alcohol and just focus on the food, which will help with costs.”

Carl Behnke, Ph.D. – Associate Professor, Purdue University West Lafayette

“Before COVID-19, happy hours in some places had become uninspiring and were often not much of a bargain. Post-COVID-19, some restaurants seem to be trying to draw customers back by offering significant and tasty happy hour selections at true bargain prices. Foodies on a tight budget should check out the happy hour menus at some of their favorite restaurants.”

Nancy E. Brune – Senior Fellow, William S. Boyd School of Law – University of Nevada, Las Vegas

What are the dining out trends for 2021 and how has the pandemic affected Americans’ eating out habits?

“We…see an increase in comfort foods: classic pizza, burger without crazy toppings, BBQ. Any type of food to give customers more sense of normal and a reminder of what things used to be. There has been an increase in the vegetarian and vegan population. So we see more vegetarian and vegan options on the menu. Due to the pandemic and people choosing not to eat out at a restaurant as much, we see more options in “to go” food and creativity (charcuterie boards, BYO omelet, gourmet picnic, Netflix binge night) There is also an increase in marketing of “to go” food “quarantine kits, social distancing desserts, stay home hors D’Oeuvres, back to normal nuggets, etc.”

Tracey Brigman, EdD, MS, RDN, LD – Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Georgia

“Driven by wavering pandemic guidelines, more establishments have also moved to outdoor areas, which include smaller, more intimate settings, and contactless ordering…Decreasing from 2020, restaurant and commercial meal kits are less popular now as dining options continue to remain open. The pandemic originally caused a wide swing in folks eating more meals at home, and perhaps eating more meals regularly. For some fortunate individuals, this became an opportunity to learn more about cooking and preparing nutritious meals. For others, and for a variety of reasons, this meant using frequently processed and packaged meals coupled with little to no exercise. As public dining continues to open, people are migrating back to eating out more regularly, though their food choices may still not be the most health-conscious.”

A. Elizabeth Goodson – Adjunct Instructor, American University


  • Due to the pandemic and people choosing not to eat out at a restaurant as much, we see more options in “to go” food and creativity (charcuterie boards, BYO omelet, gourmet picnic, Netflix binge night) There is also an increase in marketing of “to go” food “quarantine kits, social distancing desserts, stay home hors D'Oeuvres, back to normal nuggets, etc.
  • Alcohol can be a significant add-on to a restaurant check, so if you can avoid the alcohol and just focus on the food, which will help with costs.
  • “Cook at home – it is a lot of fun and is generally less expensive than eating out…That said, if you prefer to eat out, look for authenticity.


Dwar l-Awtur

Harry Johnson

Harry Johnson kien l-editur tal-inkarigu għal eTurboNews għal aktar minn 20 sena. Jgħix f'Honolulu, Hawaii, u huwa oriġinarjament mill-Ewropa. Jieħu gost jikteb u jkopri l-aħbarijiet.

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