Turiżmu Iżraeljan: Ħbieb ta 'Sijon Merħba lill-Viċi President ta' l-Istati Uniti Pence



Il-belt ta ' Ġerusalemm on the Israel side is a buzz beholding the campaign welcoming US Vice President Pence with 110 massive billboards, buses with signs and a huge digital billboard on the Museum walls.

Il-kampanja nħolqot minn Mike Evan founder of the Friends of Zion Museum who presented the Friends of Zion award to President Trump in the Oval Office in December with Vice President Pence, Senior Advisors Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump u mexxejja tal-fidi li jirrappreżentaw 'il fuq minn 150 miljun Kristjan globalment.

Friends of Zion stated in a press release:

Since this historic event, Evans has been mobilizing his 33 million Friends of Zion supporters to influence world leader to stand with Iżrael and Jewish people and recognize Ġerusalemm as Israel kapital.

Evans kept his promise that “Every world leader that says “yes” will receive the Friend of Zion Award” and just a few days ago presented President Morales of Gwatemala with the Award in an event in Gwatemala attended by political and religious leaders honoring their declaration to move their embassy to Ġerusalemm.

Gwatemala is honored at the Friends of Zion heritage center as one of the nations who voted for the Stat ta ’Iżrael in the UN vote on the 29th of November 1947.  Last week the Vice President received a special certificate marking the planting of tree in the Ġerusalemm hills honoring the people of Gwatemala and their support from the creation of the Stat ta ’Iżrael until today.

Dr. Evans declared that: “Trump has ever built an historic alliance for the Stat ta ’Iżrael u l-poplu Lhudi, u l-ebda president ma qagħad kuraġġuż għall- Stat ta ’Iżrael on the global stage. President Trump’s historic recognition of Ġerusalemm se jassigura postu fl - istorja bħala l - ewwel president Amerikan li ħa dak il - pass mit - twaqqif tal - Stat ta ’Iżrael f'1948. "

Dikjarazzjoni storika tal-President Trump dwar Ġerusalemm jieħu postha bħala waħda mill Israel ħaġar tal-mitħna storiċi mid-Dikjarazzjoni ta ’Balfour sal-aċċettazzjoni tal-President Truman Iżrael fil-familja tan-nazzjonijiet. Dawn l-eroj ippreżentati fil-Mużew Friends of Zion fi Ġerusalemm għid l - istejjer karattri matul l - istorja li kienu ħdejn il - poplu Lhudi u għenu biex jistabbilixxu l - Stat ta ’Iżrael. Dawn is-Sionisti mhux Lhud huma mnaqqxa fl-istorja u miljuni ta 'nies madwar id-dinja saru jafu bl-eroiżmu tagħhom grazzi għall-ħidma innovattiva ta' Dr Evans u l-Mużew tal-Ħbieb ta 'Sijon.

Iċ - Ċentru tal - Wirt Ħbieb ta 'Sijon sar waħda mill - istituzzjonijiet ċentrali fl - Ewropa Stat ta ’Iżrael jinfluwenzaw id-dinja u jsaħħu Israel relazzjonijiet globalment filwaqt li jissaħħu l - pilastri tal - Stat ta ’Iżrael. In addition to more than 31 million members globally the museum has hosted over 100 diplomats such as US Amb. David Friedman, Il-President Rivlin għexieren ta 'eluf ta' mexxejja Nsara u Lhud, superstars NBA u NFL, imexxu Hollywood actors and singers and is has become a must see site in Jerusalem.  .



Dwar l-Awtur

Juergen T Steinmetz

Juergen Thomas Steinmetz ħadem kontinwament fl-industrija tal-ivvjaġġar u t-turiżmu minn meta kien adolexxenti fil-Ġermanja (1977).
Huwa waqqaf eTurboNews fl-1999 bħala l-ewwel newsletter onlajn għall-industrija tat-turiżmu tal-ivvjaġġar globali.

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