Il-Kapaċità ta 'l-Ajru Wizz Ramp-Up Tista' Tħalli l-Frott

Recent poll has highlighted that an overwhelming number of travelers will travel to the same destinations as before the pandemic (44% of global respondents will do this), which is significantly higher than the 10% opting for a different destination.

Recommencing flights to pre-COVID destinations will be vital for Wizz Air to attract passengers. With nearly half of global respondents seeking familiar destinations, demand will be higher for popular destinations. The pandemic has heightened travel nostalgia and reliving an old holiday could be attractive.

Moreover, familiar destinations may help improve traveler confidence as they know what to expect, especially when factoring in new COVID restrictions. Network uplift should focus on pre-pandemic route pairs, and new routes should remain on the backburner until travel confidence fully returns.


Dwar l-Awtur

Harry Johnson

Harry Johnson kien l-editur tal-inkarigu għal eTurboNews għal aktar minn 20 sena. Jgħix f'Honolulu, Hawaii, u huwa oriġinarjament mill-Ewropa. Jieħu gost jikteb u jkopri l-aħbarijiet.

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