Il-maltempati tax-xitwa tal-Istati Uniti jkomplu jikkawżaw dewmien u kanċellazzjonijiet tat-titjiriet

More winter weather is headed to the mid-Atlantic, midwest, and northeast, bringing even more snow to the already deluged areas.

More winter weather is headed to the mid-Atlantic, midwest, and northeast, bringing even more snow to the already deluged areas. Travel will continue to be delayed or cancelled, and airlines have issued the following advisories.


Passengers scheduled for travel through February 11, 2010 on AirTran Airways to/from: Chicago (Midway); Detroit, Flint, Michigan; Akron-Canton, Columbus, Ohio; Indianapolis, Moline, Illinois; and Bloomington, Indiana; may change their reservation without penalty as long as travel is completed within five days from the date of the original scheduled departure date, based on space availability without fees or fare adjustments.

Passengers scheduled for travel through February 12, 2010 on AirTran Airways to/from: New York (LaGuardia) and White Plains, New York; Boston, Allentown, Harrisburg, Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Atlantic City, New Jersey; Baltimore, Maryland; Washington, DC (Reagan National and Dulles); Newport News/Williamsburg and Richmond, Virginia; may also change their reservation without penalty as long as travel is completed within five days from the date of the original scheduled departure date, based on space availability without fees or fare adjustments.

Passiġġieri li għandhom riservazzjonijiet għal vjaġġar lejn / minn dawn id-destinazzjonijiet għandhom jiċċekkjaw taħt "Status tat-Titjira" għal aġġornamenti jew iċemplu 1-800-AIRTRAN (247-8726).


Customers whose flight plans may be affected by severe winter weather across the US Mid-Atlantic, Ohio Valley, and northeast to make one-time changes to their travel schedules without fees through Friday, February 12. The expanded weather advisory encourages customers in 12 states and the District of Columbia to consider postponing or re-routing their travel without penalty to avoid possible inconvenience.

Customers booked on Delta-ticketed flights to, from, or through the following states from February 5-12 may make a one-time change to their travel schedule without fees if tickets are changed by February 13, 2010: Connecticut, District of Columbia, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Virginia, and West Virginia

Delta will proactively reduce flight schedules to and from affected airports to minimize delays during the storm, including at its hubs in Cincinnati, Detroit and New York-JFK.

L-ivvjaġġar għal itinerarji mibdula għandu jibda sal-13 ta' Frar, 2010, u bidliet fl-oriġini u fid-destinazzjoni jistgħu jirriżultaw f'żieda fit-tariffa. Kwalunkwe differenza fit-tariffa bejn il-biljett oriġinali u l-biljett il-ġdid tinġabar fil-ħin tal-prenotazzjoni mill-ġdid. Klijenti li t-titjiriet tagħhom huma kkanċellati jistgħu jitolbu rifużjonijiet.
Delta will continue to monitor the weather situation and provide the latest weather updates at


Customers ticketed for travel on February 9-10 to, from, or through certain Midwest airports – or ticketed for travel February 10-11 to, from, or through certain Northeast airports, should consider rebooking on an earlier flight, as certain change fees have been waived.

United tħeġġeġ bil-qawwa lill-klijenti biex jagħmlu użu mill-għodod ta' informazzjoni għall-klijenti disponibbli fuq, inklużi:

– Flight status confirmation and notification, with updates to departure and arrival times sent via email or to a mobile device.
– The ability to confirm and/or rebook an existing reservation.
– Online check-in, which enables customers to print a boarding pass for a departing flight or view options if a booked flight has been canceled due to weather.

Il-klijenti jistgħu wkoll jibbukkjaw riservazzjoni ġdida, ibiddlu prenotazzjoni eżistenti, jew jiksbu l-istatus tat-titjira permezz tar-riżervi United fuq 1-800-UNITED-1 jew permezz tal-aġenziji tal-ivvjaġġar tagħhom. United tħeġġeġ bil-qawwa lill-vjaġġaturi, partikolarment dawk li t-titjiriet tagħhom ġew ikkanċellati minħabba t-temp, biex iżuru jew biex iċemplu r-riservazzjonijiet qabel imorru l-ajruport.

Il-bidliet kollha għandhom isiru sa nofs il-lejl tad-data oriġinali tal-ivvjaġġar tal-klijent. L-ivvjaġġar skedat mill-ġdid jista' jkun soġġett għal tariffi ogħla jekk ma jissodisfax ir-regoli oriġinali u r-restrizzjonijiet tal-kodiċi tal-prenotazzjoni jew ikun itinerarju ġdid.


The revised ticketing policies apply to all tickets purchased February 8, 2010, or earlier, for travel February 9-10 to, from, and through Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin on any United, United Express, or United code-share flight. Origin and destination cities must remain the same, and rescheduled travel must be completed within seven days of original travel date. Customers with canceled flights are eligible for a full refund.


The revised ticketing policies apply to all tickets purchased February 8, 2010, or earlier, for travel February 10-11 to, from, and through Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia and Washington DC on any United, United Express or United code-share flight. Origin and destination cities must remain the same, and rescheduled travel must be completed within seven days of original travel date. Customers with canceled flights are eligible for a full refund.

United will continue to monitor the weather situation and adjust ticketing policies on



Dwar l-Awtur

Linda Hohnholz

Editur ewlieni għal eTurboNews ibbażata fl-eTN HQ.

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