Il-Bord tat-Turiżmu ta' Turks u Caicos jospita l-Fry tal-Ħut famuż tiegħu

For the second week in a row, the Turks and Caicos Islands Tourist Board hosted its famous Fish Fry in a sister island. This time, it was held on the compound of the District Commissioner’s Office in North Caicos. Like the Grand Turk Fish Fry, the Twin Islands Fish Fry was a major feature of the…

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  • Għat-tieni ġimgħa konsekuttiva, il-Bord tat-Turiżmu tal-Gżejjer Turks u Caicos ospita l-famuż Fish Fry tiegħu fi gżira oħt.
  • This time, it was held on the compound of the District Commissioner's Office in North Caicos.
  •  Like the Grand Turk Fish Fry, the Twin Islands Fish Fry was a major feature of the….


Dwar l-Awtur

Harry Johnson

Harry Johnson kien l-editur tal-inkarigu għal eTurboNews għal aktar minn 20 sena. Jgħix f'Honolulu, Hawaii, u huwa oriġinarjament mill-Ewropa. Jieħu gost jikteb u jkopri l-aħbarijiet.

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