Il-futur tat-turiżmu fl-Oċean Indjan

Rethinking old systems and embracing new ones, Indian Ocean Tourism Organization creates phenomenal yet extraordinary intellectual properties, committed to reinvigorating economies of its member States and Island Nations wholly dependent on tourism, curate unique content specifically for its destinations, while simultaneously establishing an unprecedented ecosystem for social entrepreneurs presenting tourism ideas, innovation and solutions improving the Industry and its accompanying economic-clusters; as well as advocating social and human development across its member states and island nations remains the organization’s propensity accelerating growth in the region.

Il-futur ta ' turiżmu fl-Oċean Indjan requires a fundamental and profound shift in how tourism should work, transforming tourism’s impact on nature and people by working alongside local communities, protecting Island Nations from the severity of climate change and the deployment of an arsenal of creativity, innovation and solutions developing sustainable models aiding economic, environmental and social impact are just a few of the avant-garde propositions for Indian Ocean Tourism Organization.

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Il-futur tat-turiżmu fl-Oċean Indjan

The urgency and an unprecedented opportunity to build back better is timely – a big task indeed – and we felt it was incumbent upon us to source and identify, develop and accelerate the growth of social entrepreneurs within the Industry, seeking to unite tourism’s stakeholders supporting a new vision for the future of tourism in the archipelago.

Under the auspicious of the organization, Indian Ocean Tourism Mart, the largest incentive travel trade MICE and tourism show, will be launched from May 26 – 29, 2021 on the island of Zanzibar with the cooperation and support from the Ministry of Tourism and Heritage Zanzibar and the Indian Ocean Tourism Games would further complement the development and growth of sports tourism within the Indian Ocean archipelago.

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Indian Ocean Tourism Mart website is  (Ġej dalwaqt)



Dwar l-Awtur

Linda Hohnholz, editur tal-eTN

Linda Hohnholz ilha tikteb u teditja artikli mill-bidu tal-karriera tax-xogħol tagħha. Hija applikat din il-passjoni intrinsika għal postijiet bħall-Hawaii Pacific University, Chaminade University, il-Hawaii Children's Discovery Centre, u issa TravelNewsGroup.

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