Terremot qawwi jolqot lil Puerto Rico

Terremot qawwi jolqot lil Puerto Rico
Terremot qawwi jolqot lil Puerto Rico

A powerful 5.5-magnitude earthquake rocked the unincorporated US territory of Puerto Rico today. The earthquake was followed by several aftershocks. According to the USGS, the initial quake was recorded 11 km from Tallaboa, a small community in the south of the island. A series of less powerful seismic events in the area followed within an…

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  • Skont l-USGS, it-terremot inizjali ġie rreġistrat 11-il km minn Tallaboa, komunità żgħira fin-nofsinhar tal-gżira.
  • A series of less powerful seismic events in the area followed within an….
  • The earthquake was followed by several aftershocks.


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