It-terremot jeqred lil Puerto Rico, jeqred attrazzjoni turistika kbira

It-terremot jeqred lil Puerto Rico, jeqred attrazzjoni turistika kbira
It-terremot jeqred lil Puerto Rico, jeqred attrazzjoni turistika kbira

Strong earthquake has devastated Puerto Rico, with homes collapsed, cars crashed and roads covered in rocks and debris – apparently the result of a mudslide. Many island’s residents were left without power in the aftermath of the 5.8-magnitude tremor. No tsunami alerts were issued and no casualties have been reported. Today’s quake was reportedly one…

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  • Terremot qawwi qered lil Puerto Rico, bi djar waqgħu, karozzi ġġarraf u toroq miksija bil-blat u debris – milli jidher riżultat ta’ valanga ta’ tajn.
  • Many island’s residents were left without power in the aftermath of the 5.
  • Ma nħarġu l-ebda twissijiet ta ’tsunami u ma ġew irrappurtati l-ebda vittmi.


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