Sant’Ewstazju Jilqa ’lit-Turisti Vaċċinati Sħiħ

Sant’Ewstazju Jilqa ’lit-Turisti Vaċċinati Sħiħ
Sant’Ewstazju Jilqa ’lit-Turisti Vaċċinati Sħiħ
Written by Harry Johnson

Non-vaccinated residents, family members, workers or persons who own a home in Statia and who were in a high risk country or a very high risk country prior are welcome as well but must go into quarantine for a period of 10 days upon entry.

  • Non-vaccinated tourists cannot yet visit Statia.
  • Due to the enormous impact of COVID-19 on the economy of Statia, the local Government has no other choice than to further open up the island.
  • A list of very high risk, high risk, low risk and very low countries will be updated regularly.

L-Entità Pubblika St Eustatius hereby reminds the community that as of upcoming Monday, August 2, 2021 the third phase of the Road Map will be effective. This means that fully vaccinated visitors including tourists can visit Statia.

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Sant’Ewstazju Jilqa ’lit-Turisti Vaċċinati Sħiħ

Visitors from high risk countries must adhere to a strict 5 days’ protocol upon arrival which includes wearing a face mask, keeping social distance and not attending large organized  events. Vaccinated visitors from very high risk countries are welcome but must go into (central) quarantine for a period of 5 days upon entry. Fully vaccinated visitors from low risk countries do not have to adhere to certain measures and do not have to go into quarantine.

Non vaccinated residents, family members, workers or persons who own a home in Statia and who were in a high risk country or a very high risk country prior are welcome as well but must go into quarantine for a period of 10 days upon entry. Non vaccinated tourists cannot yet visit Statia.

A list of very high risk, high risk, low risk and very low countries will be updated on a regular basis.

Further opening up means that there is a higher risk involved as more visitors from (very) high risk countries can enter Statia and might bring the virus to the island.

In addition, the Delta variant of COVID-19 increases the risk level as this variant is more contagious.  However, due to the enormous impact of COVID-19 on the economy of Statia, and the fact that social support packages of the Dutch government will no longer be provided, the local Government has no other choice than to further open up the island.


  • Non vaccinated residents, family members, workers or persons who own a home in Statia and who were in a high risk country or a very high risk country prior are welcome as well but must go into quarantine for a period of 10 days upon entry.
  •   However, due to the enormous impact of COVID-19 on the economy of Statia, and the fact that social support packages of the Dutch government will no longer be provided, the local Government has no other choice than to further open up the island.
  • Further opening up means that there is a higher risk involved as more visitors from (very) high risk countries can enter Statia and might bring the virus to the island.


Dwar l-Awtur

Harry Johnson

Harry Johnson kien l-editur tal-inkarigu għal eTurboNews għal aktar minn 20 sena. Jgħix f'Honolulu, Hawaii, u huwa oriġinarjament mill-Ewropa. Jieħu gost jikteb u jkopri l-aħbarijiet.

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