Titjiriet tar-RwandAir lejn Juba kkanċellati għall-Ġimgħa, 20 ta ’Diċembru

Rwandair, the national carrier, announced late last night that WB430/WB431 flights scheduled for Juba have been canceled for Friday, December 20, 2013, on account of the security situation in Juba.

Rwandair, the national carrier, announced late last night that WB430/WB431 flights scheduled for Juba have been canceled for Friday, December 20, 2013, on account of the security situation in Juba.

Passengers with travel plans in the near future should contact the airline to obtain the latest flight status information for confirmation before making their way to the airport. Travelers are advised to monitor the airline website at www.rwandair.com to be updated on continued flight information.

“RwandAir treats the safety of its passengers and employees as its absolute top priority, and safety is never compromised under any circumstances. We will work to resume normal service and to accommodate our customers,” said Rwandair CEO John Mirenge.

Għadd ta ’passiġġieri qed jistennew fl-Ajruport Internazzjonali ta’ Juba opportunità biex itiru barra mill-pajjiż wara indikazzjonijiet li l-ġlied issa nfirex f’ħafna mis-Sudan t’Isfel b’avversarji tal-gvern jagħmlu triq it-kbira u jieħdu belt wara belt, wara - dak li fil-biċċa l-kbira kien akkużat fuq ir-reġim f'Juba bħala attentat ta 'kolp ta' stat falz sabiex jinħoloq xenarju li jiġġustifika t-tindif mifrux ta 'avversarji tal-President Kiir - il-ġlied inizjali li faqqa' l-Ħadd li għadda filgħaxija.

While dozens of buses have been chartered by Kenya and Uganda to take their nationals out of South Sudan and bring them across the Ugandan border at Nimule to safety, foreign embassies have organized relief flights, including the German government which – according to information received – will send two German Air Force planes into Juba today to uplift their and other European Union nationals first to Entebbe before giving them the option to either stay there or return to Germany or their home countries. Kenya Airways, Fly 540 and Air Uganda were planning to fly today but have yet to confirm that they will actually do so, probably deciding on a case by case basis after getting the latest updates from their station managers in Juba. Much of yesterday was the airport out of service with a B737-500 stuck on the runway after the nose gear had collapsed, throwing a spanner in the works of evacuation flights since the airlines were unable to land and had to cancel or delay flights while the runway was blocked.

RwandAir għalkemm għandu jkun prosit biex ipoġġi operazzjonijiet siguri u sikuri l-ewwel u pjuttost itlaq l-opportunità li ttir lura lejn Kigali b'tagħbija sħiħa, meta s-sikurezza tal-inġenju tal-ajru u l-ekwipaġġ tkun saħansitra fl-iċken dubju.

The airline will continue to assess the security situation on the ground.

For more information/assistance please contact your nearest Rwandair office their call center on 3030 or contact the head of corporate communications, Anna Fye at 0784873299/[protett bl-email]


Dwar l-Awtur

Linda Hohnholz

Editur ewlieni għal eTurboNews ibbażata fl-eTN HQ.

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