Ruma Għandha Pont Ġdid: Proġett Mhux Lest ta 'Michelangelo Issa Lest

Għall- Ponte Farnese, Grossetete was inspired by the project that in the 16th century was commissioned to Michelangelo by Pope Paul III to create a connection between Palazzo Farnese and the gardens that the family owned on the other bank of the Tiber, where today it stands.

Villa Farnesina is the seat of the Accademia dei Lincei. Abandoned on the death of Pope Paul III, the project is revived today with an artistic modality based on the principle of collective participation, taking up the features of Michelangelo’s project, of which the only existing sign is the stone arch of the Farnese in Via Giulia behind the walls of Palazzo Farnese, seat of the French Embassy.

MARIO 2 | eTurboNews | eTN
Ruma Għandha Pont Ġdid: Proġett Mhux Lest ta 'Michelangelo Issa Lest

The Webuild Group, which has built 1,000 km of bridges around the world, supports this initiative as a symbol of hope for the post-COVID recovery, drawing inspiration from the history of the Renaissance when Rome returned to experience moments of artistic and architectural splendor, thanks to clients enlightened just like Pope Julius II or Pope Paul III Farnese who imagined extraordinary works.

Their legacy has spanned the centuries and has come down to us intact, reminding us that even today, large infrastructures and intellectual property can represent the lever for global recovery.


Dwar l-Awtur

Mario Masciullo - eTN Italja

Mario huwa veteran fl-industrija tal-ivvjaġġar.
L-esperjenza tiegħu testendi mad-dinja kollha mill-1960 meta ta’ 21 sena beda jesplora l-Ġappun, Hong Kong, u t-Tajlandja.
Mario ra t-Turiżmu Dinji jiżviluppa aġġornat u xhud
qerda tal-għerq / xhieda tal-passat ta 'numru tajjeb ta' pajjiżi favur il-modernità / il-progress.
Matul l-aħħar 20 sena l-esperjenza ta 'l-ivvjaġġar ta' Mario kkonċentrat fix-Xlokk ta 'l-Asja u tard inkludiet is-Subkontinent Indjan.

Parti mill-esperjenza tax-xogħol ta 'Mario tinkludi bosta attivitajiet fl-Avjazzjoni Ċivili
qasam ikkonkludiet wara li organizzat il-kik off tal-Malaysia Singapore Airlines fl-Italja bħala Istitutur u kompla għal 16-il sena fir-rwol ta ’Sales / Marketing Manager Italy għal Singapore Airlines wara l-qasma taż-żewġ gvernijiet f’Ottubru 1972.

Il-liċenzja uffiċjali ta' Mario għall-Ġurnalisti hija mill-"Ordni Nazzjonali tal-Ġurnalisti Ruma, l-Italja fl-1977.

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