Riskju ta’ invażjoni Russa: L-Amerikani wissew kontra l-ivvjaġġar lejn l-Ukrajna

Riskju ta’ invażjoni Russa: L-Amerikani wissew kontra l-ivvjaġġar lejn l-Ukrajna
Avatar ta' Harry Johnson
Written by Harry Johnson

Americans were informed that possible Russian aggression “would severely impact the US Embassy’s ability to provide consular services,” including assisting people in departing from the region in an emergency.


il Id-Dipartiment tal-Istat tal-Istati Uniti updated its travel recommendations for Ukraine, warning that “US citizens should be aware of reports that Russia is planning for significant military action against Ukraine.”

Americans considering traveling to Ukraina have been strongly advised by Washington to reconsider the trip, due to a feasible risk of Russian all-out offensive against its Eastern European neighbor.

Americans were informed that possible Russian aggression “would severely impact the US Embassy’s ability to provide consular services,” including assisting people in departing from the region in an emergency.

il Dipartiment Istat‘s travel advisory also continued to advise against travel due to the COVID-19 risk in Ukraina, a recommendation in place for several months. Guidance urging US citizens to rethink their journey to the former Soviet republic because of its high rates of coronavirus infection had been issued at the end of September.

The advisory came after Kiev’s intelligence services and Western officials sounded the alarm in recent weeks, warning that Moscow had amassed tens of thousands of combat troops at Ukrainian border and could soon launch an all-out offensive against its neighbor.

The Kremlin has denied the accusations, while declaring that “the movement of our armed forces on our own territory should be of no concern to anyone.”


  • The US State Department‘s travel advisory also continued to advise against travel due to the COVID-19 risk in Ukraine, a recommendation in place for several months.
  • The advisory came after Kiev's intelligence services and Western officials sounded the alarm in recent weeks, warning that Moscow had amassed tens of thousands of combat troops at Ukrainian border and could soon launch an all-out offensive against its neighbor.
  • Guidance urging US citizens to rethink their journey to the former Soviet republic because of its high rates of coronavirus infection had been issued at the end of September.

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Avatar ta' Harry Johnson

Harry Johnson

Harry Johnson kien l-editur tal-inkarigu għal eTurboNews għal aktar minn 20 sena. Jgħix f'Honolulu, Hawaii, u huwa oriġinarjament mill-Ewropa. Jieħu gost jikteb u jkopri l-aħbarijiet.

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