APEX CEO Lifetime Achievement Award għall-Kap Eżekuttiv tal-Qatar Airways Group

Aġġornament tal-Aħbarijiet Qosor
Written by Harry Johnson

Airline Passenger Experience Association (APEX) awarded Qatar Airways Group Chief Executive, Akbar Al Baker, the CEO Lifetime Achievement Award, which recognizes industry leaders for their dedication, efforts and commitment to enhancing passenger experience. The APEX CEO Lifetime Achievement Award has only been awarded six times in the organisation’s five-decade history, including the latest award received…

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  • The APEX CEO Lifetime Achievement Award has only been awarded six times in the organisation's five-decade history, including the latest award received….
  • Airline Passenger Experience Association (APEX) awarded Qatar Airways Group Chief Executive, Akbar Al Baker, the CEO Lifetime Achievement Award, which recognizes industry leaders for their dedication, efforts and commitment to enhancing passenger experience.
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Harry Johnson

Harry Johnson kien l-editur tal-inkarigu għal eTurboNews għal aktar minn 20 sena. Jgħix f'Honolulu, Hawaii, u huwa oriġinarjament mill-Ewropa. Jieħu gost jikteb u jkopri l-aħbarijiet.

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