New York tara ritorn tat-titjiriet minn Rio de Janeiro

Rio de Janeiro CVB u l-imsieħba ċċelebraw ir-ritorn tar-rotta tal-American Airlines bejn l-ajruporti internazzjonali Galeão (RJ) u John F. Kennedy (NY). It-titjira, sospiża fl-2019, reġgħet bdiet topera nhar is-Sibt (29) u twiegħed li tkun pass importanti lejn iż-żamma tas-suq tal-Amerika ta 'Fuq. Biex jimmarka r-ritorn, il-Konvenzjoni ta 'Rio u l-Uffiċċju tal-Viżitaturi (Rio CVB) organizza avveniment f'Fasano New York Restaurant, ir-"Rio tistenna għalik", azzjoni konġunta ma' American Airlines u RIOgaleão, immirata lejn mistednin kummerċjali Amerikani. Fi tmiem il-ġimgħa li għaddiet, l-entità pparteċipat ukoll fin-New York International Travel Show (NYTIS), spettaklu importanti tal-ivvjaġġar ġdid.

The United States has always been an important market and has become especially strategic after the visa waiver granted to residents of the country in 2019. In that same year, the North American market was the second largest sending tourists to Brazil, behind only Argentina. Of the 590,000 tourists from the US in the year before the pandemic, around 120,000 arrived in Rio de Janeiro. In 2021, still with restrictions due to Covid-19, the USA took the top of the ranking with the entry of 132 thousand travelers to Brazil.

Exploring the resumption of this market by publicizing Rio de Janeiro as an attractive destination and highlighting the favorable exchange rate fluctuation at the time was one of the highlights of the action. In addition, Rio CVB sought to consolidate one of its pillars, which is the strengthening of the destination to attract events. Other topics on the agenda were the restructuring of the Visit Rio platform.

“The recovery of the air sector has a decisive weight for tourism, because the resumption and/or creation of new flight segments directly implies the moment of choice of destination by the traveler, in addition to contributing to move the events industry. The visa waiver granted to Americans in 2019, added to a direct flight to our city, is the perfect combination to attract them. In addition to meeting the local trade, our presence at NYTIS enabled contact with tourists, allowing us to better showcase how the city is prepared after these two years of pandemic to receive them”, said the executive director of Rio CVB, Roberta Werner.

“American Airlines is the main operator between Brazil and the United States and the only airline with direct flights between Rio de Janeiro and New York. We look forward to resuming our GIG-JFK route, complementing our Miami service,” said American Airlines Sales Director in Brazil, Alexandre Cavalcanti.

RIOgaleão’s Aviation Marketing manager, Ana Paula Lopes, commented on the importance of working in partnership with the tourism sector to promote the destination of Rio de Janeiro to the international market. She highlighted that the airport invests in events and promotion campaigns, strengthening the connection between markets and providing sustainability to the air network of the capital of Rio de Janeiro.

“We are very pleased with the resumption of the seasonal Rio-New York route to the airport. The American city is a very important market for tourism in the state, which has been increasingly strengthened thanks to initiatives such as this one. We will continue to act in order to increase tourist demand among destinations, positioning and promoting Rio de Janeiro with our partners”, said Ana Paula.

Return of the Route

The traditional American Airlines flight connecting Galeão Airport (Rio) to John F. Kennedy Airport (New York) returned on the 29th. There will be three weekly trips between the cities until March 24, 2023. The route will be operated by a Boeing 777-200 with 3 cabins.


Dwar l-Awtur

Linda Hohnholz

Editur ewlieni għal eTurboNews ibbażata fl-eTN HQ.

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