New Lifestyle Hotel Brand: Ċelebrazzjoni tal-Istil ta’ Ħajja Mediterranju

Il-plejer tat-tennis Rafael Nadal u Gabriel Escarrer, CEO ta’ Meliá Hotels International, ħabbru t-tnedija ta’ ZEL, marka ġdida ta’ lukandi ta’ divertiment urbani u resorts li l-ewwel se joperaw fi Spanja, u jespandu f’destinazzjonijiet ewlenin madwar l-Ewropa, il-Lvant Nofsani, l-Asja. u l-Ameriki.

It-tennis Rafael Nadal u Gabriel Escarrer, CEO ta’ Meliá Hotels International, ħabbru t-tnedija ta’ ZELLER, marka ġdida ta’ lukandi ta’ divertiment urbani u resorts li l-ewwel se joperaw fi Spanja, u jespandu f’destinazzjonijiet ewlenin madwar l-Ewropa, il-Lvant Nofsani, l-Asja u l-Amerika.

L-impriża konġunta bejn Rafael Nadal u Meliá Hotels International, it-tnejn minn Mallorca, Spanja, għandha l-għan li toħloq esperjenza ta’ ospitalità unika ffukata fuq karattru Mediterranju klassiku f’diversi destinazzjonijiet globali. Il-marka l-ġdida se jkollha wkoll firxa ta’ msieħba differenti fil-kċina, id-disinn, il-benessri u t-teknoloġija.

“L-esperjenza internazzjonali ta’ Melia ta’ aktar minn 65 sena fil-ħolqien u l-ġestjoni ta’ lukandi lussużi u t-tmexxija ta’ ispirazzjoni ta’ Rafael Nadal u ngħaqdu flimkien biex joħolqu din il-marka unika li nippreżentaw illum,” qal Gabriel Escarrer, CEO ta’ Meliá Hotels International. “ZEL, marka ta’ lukanda innovattiva u enerġetika, se tattira u tisorprendi ġenerazzjoni ġdida ta’ vjaġġaturi li qed ifittxu modi ġodda biex jiffokaw fuq il-benessri u jivvjaġġaw b’mod sostenibbli. Aħna ferħanin ħafna li nħabbru din is-sħubija speċjali ma’ ikona tant ammirata bħal Rafa.”

“As a Spaniard, a Mallorcan and a global traveler, the launch of this hotel brand is a project that I have had in my mind for a long time,” said Rafael Nadal. “ZEL will be synonymous with feeling good and enjoying the Mediterranean lifestyle. I was really attracted to this new concept with Meliá from the start and I am confident that ZEL will be a huge success and will be enjoyed by every type of traveler.”

The growth plan includes more than 20 ZEL hotels in five years, focusing on destinations that attract leisure travelers in key regions where Meliá Hotels International operates. The brand will open its first hotel in Mallorca in 2023, with plans to open in destinations on the Mediterranean coast and in major cities such as Madrid, Paris and London.

ZEL will embody the Mediterranean, focused on a passion for the outdoors, delicious cuisine, designed with spacious, bright spaces, offering a connection to nature, the sky and the sea. ZEL hotel guests can rejuvenate their body and soul through uniquely curated well-being experiences with both personal and group activities focused on physical exercise and fitness. 

ZEL will offer an inspiring new home-away-from-home hotel experience that evokes the Mediterranean way of life, with a courtyard at the heart of each hotel, serving as a center for flow and connection. The courtyard, an architectural feature that is prominent throughout the Mediterranean, will lead to other public spaces including terraces, rooftops or beach clubs, offering guests panoramic views of stunning destinations.  Guests of ZEL will also have access to a digital community where they can share their experiences and continue enjoying the Mediterranean lifestyle once their stay is over. 

One of the many highlights of the hotel experience will be rotating pop-ups, featuring local crafters, artists, beauty products and culinary offerings, encouraging exploration and interactions with the local community. 

All of these offerings combined with a vibrant atmosphere, a casual, yet upscale design, authentic cuisine, thoughtful well-being programming, and unexpected experiences will create a new travel brand that will be cherished by all travelers. 

About Meliá Hotels International

Founded in 1956 in Mallorca (Spain), Meliá Hotels International operates more than 380 hotels (portfolio and pipeline) throughout more than 40 countries under the brands Gran Meliá Hotels & Resorts, Paradisus by Meliá, ME by Meliá, Meliá Hotels & Resorts, ZEL, The Meliá Collection, INNSiDE by Meliá, Sol by Meliá and Falcon’s Resorts by Meliá, plus a wide portfolio of affiliated hotels under the “Affiliated by Meliá” network. The Group is one of the leading companies in resort hotels worldwide, leveraging its experience to consolidate the growing segment of the leisure-inspired urban market. Its commitment to responsible tourism has led the Group to become the most sustainable hotel company in Spain and Europe, according to the last S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment (Silver Class). It also has ranked seventh in the Wall Street Journal’s list of the 100 most sustainably managed companies in the world (and the leading travel company). It is the only Spanish travel company included in the list of “Europe’s Climate Leaders 2021” by Financial Times. Meliá Hotels International is also included in the IBEX 35 Spanish stock market.  For more information, visit


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Dmytro Makarov

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