Nantian Lake Jibda l-Istaġun tat-Turiżmu tas-Silġ u tas-Silġ

Fis-26 ta 'Diċembru, saret il-konferenza stampa tat-tielet staġun tat-turiżmu tas-silġ u borra ta' Nantian Lake fil-Kontea ta 'Fengdu f'Nantian Lake National Tourism Resort. Il-maġistrat tal-Kontea ta 'Fengdu, Tang Shouyuan ħabbar fil-konferenza stampa li t-tielet staġun tat-turiżmu tas-silġ u borra ta' Nantian Lake fil-Kontea ta 'Fengdu se jitnieda fit-30 ta' Diċembru.

Fis-26 ta 'Diċembru, saret il-konferenza stampa tat-tielet staġun tat-turiżmu tas-silġ u borra ta' Nantian Lake fil-Kontea ta 'Fengdu f'Nantian Lake National Tourism Resort. Il-maġistrat tal-Kontea ta 'Fengdu, Tang Shouyuan ħabbar fil-konferenza stampa li t-tielet staġun tat-turiżmu tas-silġ u borra ta' Nantian Lake fil-Kontea ta 'Fengdu se jitnieda fit-30 ta' Diċembru.

Il-borra u s-silġ huma riżorsi naturali, ekoloġiċi u ta 'żvilupp siewja u uniċi tal-Lag Nantian fil-Kontea ta' Fengdu.

F'dawn l-aħħar snin, il-Kontea ta 'Fengdu implimentat b'mod profond il-kunċett ta' żvilupp ta '"silġ u borra huma wkoll ta' valur daqs id-deheb u l-fidda" mill-President Ċiniż Xi Jinping u d-deċiżjonijiet u l-pjanijiet tal-gvern ċentrali dwar l-aċċellerazzjoni tal-iżvilupp tal-isports tas-silġ u l-borra u industrija tax-xitwa sabiex tieħu l-vantaġġi tas-silġ u l-borra u tiżviluppa fil-fond l-"ekonomija tax-xitwa".

It continues to hold “ice and snow tourism season” activities as a carrier and works hard to enrich the kinds of snow and ice products, spread snow and ice popularity, shape snow and ice brands and so on, leading more and more interest in winter sports and participation in snow and ice tourism.

Firstly, winter activities are more colorful. With special focus on the four themes of winter rodeos, national winter sports, winter carnival parties, and snow entertainment, the ice and snow tourism season covers four major areas of professional events, snow play, parent-child vacation and interactive experience.

Secondly, the ice and snow products are more diversified. In line with the new demand for ice and snow tourism consumption, combined with the characteristics of the ice and snow core area, the scenic area is divided into different categories and areas in order to prepare characterized ice and snow activities as well as projects. The Nantian Lake International Ski Resort will focus on the professional skiing, entertainment with snow, downslope skiing as well as cross-country skiing and other quality ice and snow projects, so that visitors can fully experience the charm of ice and snow sports. In addition to providing more than 10 traditional snow projects such as snowmobile, snow raft, snow flying circle, etc. in the ice and snow park, it will also join hands with Tencent Games to build a 20,000 square meters ice and snow theme park and introduce the popular online game – super IP “Peace Elite” to realize the perfect interaction between virtual and real world. Moreover, the scenic spot of “Viewing Rime – Enjoying View of Lake” of internet celebrities will be launched in Tianhu Yaochi.

Thirdly, the preferential policies are more diversified. These are mainly available to medical personnel, military personnel, teachers, students and other groups. The scenic area has launched a series of preferential policies such as free admission to ski resorts, package discounts and 50% discount for visiting other scenic spots in Fengdu, and other measures to attract tourists and promote the development of the county’s ice and snow tourism economy.

Fourthly, the service environment is more warm-hearted. In the context of the prevention and control strategy against COVID-19 and the gradual recovery of consumption, the scenic area will comprehensively strengthen the traffic preservation, market order, safety management, volunteer services and other initiatives to provide an efficient and warm service environment of high quality for the smooth development of the ice and snow tourism season activities and the healthy development of the cultural and tourism market.


Dwar l-Awtur

Dmytro Makarov

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