Mainsail Lodging & Development tħabbar promozzjonijiet eżekuttivi

Mainsail Lodging & Development ħabbret illum il-promozzjonijiet ta 'Tom Haines għal Viċi President ta' Operazzjonijiet u Transizzjonijiet; u Charles "Charlie" Albanos lill-Viċi President tal-Operazzjonijiet.

Barra minn hekk, Becky Hayes irritorna għand Mainsail bħala General Manager u Direttur tal-Bejgħ għar-Residence Inn Tampa Wesley Chapel. It-tlieta ħadu l-pożizzjonijiet il-ġodda tagħhom fit-tim eżekuttiv tal-kumpanija tal-ospitalità bbażata f’Tampa, li tiżviluppa u topera prodotti ta’ alloġġ madwar l-Istati Uniti u l-Karibew.

For the past five years, Tom Haines has served as Vice President of Operations for Mainsail, providing operational oversight of existing and future hotel projects. Haines will continue to oversee pre-opening and conversion activities, from overall programming and activations to collaboration of hotel design and food and beverage concepts, ensuring brand consistency through guest delivery. A 40-year veteran of the hotel industry, Haines began his Mainsail career in 2012 as the opening General Manager of the Epicurean Hotel in South Tampa, the first new build Autograph Collection® hotel in the United States under Marriott International.

With more than 30 years of experience in the hospitality industry, Charlie Albanos has been Corporate Director of Operations with Mainsail for the past two years. In his new role as Vice President of Operations, he will oversee operations at all hotels in the Mainsail Lodging & Development portfolio and work closely with general managers on hotel and outlet functions through strategic staffing, guest satisfaction and profitability. Albanos came to Mainsail from Marriott International, where he began his career as a chef. As he progressed through several hotels and cities, Charlie transitioned to Food & Beverage Director and later to Resident Manager.

“With their experience, enthusiasm and creative minds, Tom and Charlie give us a great advantage as we pursue new growth opportunities beyond our current portfolio of 13 activated hotels,” said Joe Collier, President and Founder of Mainsail Lodging & Development. “Their forward-thinking approach will help ensure the success of each project through thoughtful concepting, design and execution.”

Making her return to the Mainsail family, Becky Hayes is now General Manager and Director of Sales for the Residence Inn Tampa Wesley Chapel. Hayes originally joined Mainsail in 2012, first working in conference services at the original Mainsail Suites & Conference Center in Tampa and later as Senior Sales Manager at Epicurean Hotel. In addition to her Mainsail experience, Hayes’ career includes time with Warwick hotels in New York City, convention centers in Kentucky, and most recently, a cluster of select service and extended stay hotels in Tampa. In her new role, Hayes is responsible for managing all aspects of hotel operation, including guest services, human resources, financial performance, sales efforts and revenue generation.

“We’re so excited to have Becky back at Mainsail and taking the reins at the Residence Inn Tampa Wesley Chapel,” said Collier. “This is the first time Mainsail has had this type of hybrid position, so having an industry veteran like Becky leading both service and revenue is a huge plus for us.”


Dwar l-Awtur

Harry Johnson

Harry Johnson kien l-editur tal-inkarigu għal eTurboNews għal aktar minn 20 sena. Jgħix f'Honolulu, Hawaii, u huwa oriġinarjament mill-Ewropa. Jieħu gost jikteb u jkopri l-aħbarijiet.

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