Lovćen Cable Car fir-Regent Porto Montenegro

Lovćen Cable Car project opened to visitors on 14th August 2023, transporting guests from the UNESCO World Heritage site, Kotor, to the National Park Lovćen and Regent Porto Montenegro is perfectly placed to ascend the grand mountains. The cable car project will attract more travelers, further boosting the local economy and providing opportunities for the…

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  • Il-proġett tal-Cable Car Lovćen infetaħ għall-viżitaturi fl-14 ta’ Awwissu 2023, li jittrasporta mistednin mis-sit tal-Wirt Dinji tal-UNESCO, Kotor, għall-Park Nazzjonali Lovćen u Regent Porto Montenegro jinsab f’pożizzjoni perfetta biex jitla’ l-muntanji kbar.
  • The cable car project will attract more travelers, further boosting the local economy and providing opportunities for the….
  • eTurboNews l-artikoli huma għall-abbonati biss.


Dwar l-Awtur

Harry Johnson

Harry Johnson kien l-editur tal-inkarigu għal eTurboNews għal aktar minn 20 sena. Jgħix f'Honolulu, Hawaii, u huwa oriġinarjament mill-Ewropa. Jieħu gost jikteb u jkopri l-aħbarijiet.

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