L-Ispirtu tal-Milied magħruf f'Londra jinżel f'Hong Kong


This Christmas, Lee Tung Avenue has partnered with Regent Street, the famous shopping boulevard in London, to bring the world-renowned Christmas lights spectacular “The Spirit of Christmas” to Hong Kong. Being the signature street in London city, Regent Street is the pioneer to introduce the world design sensational festive decoration. Ever since 1954, their Christmas…

eTurboNews l-artikoli huma għall-abbonati biss. L-abbonament huwa B'XEJN.
Idħol Ikklikkja hawn biex tabbona B'XEJN


  • Being the signature street in London city, Regent Street is the pioneer to introduce the world design sensational festive decoration.
  • This Christmas, Lee Tung Avenue has partnered with Regent Street, the famous shopping boulevard in London, to bring the world-renowned Christmas lights spectacular “The Spirit of Christmas”.
  • L-abbonament huwa B'XEJN.


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Il-Kap Editur tal-Assenjazzjoni huwa Oleg Siziakov

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