Żur l-Arġentina? Oqgħod attent wara li t-turisti sparaw barra Faena Art Hotel fi Buenos Aires

Żur l-Arġentina? Oqgħod attent wara li t-turisti sparaw barra l-Faena Art Hotel fi Buenos Aires

An ambush took place outside the Faena Art Hotel, a  five-star hotel in Buenos Aires when a British tourist got shot and died and his son is in hospital. The hotel profiles itself : “As soon as you walk into the long hallway with a red rug and black horsehair bench, you know you’ve entered…

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  • Saret ambush barra l-Faena Art Hotel, lukanda ta’ ħames stilel fi Buenos Aires meta turist Brittaniku safa sparat u miet u ibnu jinsab l-isptar.
  • The hotel profiles itself .
  • “As soon as you walk into the long hallway with a red rug and black horsehair bench, you know you've entered….


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