Indja Inkredibbli 2.0: L-industrija tal-ivvjaġġar Indjana fil-ponta ta 'spinta kbira


The Indian travel industry is on the verge of a major boost, with technology and other factors helping the growth of the online business. But at the same time holistic efforts are required to see that this actually happens. This message came out clear at a day-long conference on Incredible India 2.0 – the next…

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  • This message came out clear at a day-long conference on Incredible India 2.
  • L-industrija tal-ivvjaġġar Indjana tinsab fuq il-ponta ta 'spinta kbira, bit-teknoloġija u fatturi oħra jgħinu fit-tkabbir tan-negozju online.
  • But at the same time holistic efforts are required to see that this actually happens.


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Editur tal-Assenjazzjoni Prinċipali

Il-Kap Editur tal-Assenjazzjoni huwa Oleg Siziakov

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