L-Elezzjoni tal-Istati Uniti tfisser eżenzjoni għat-turiżmu globali

Elezzjoni Amerikana: Veteran tat-Turiżmu, il-Prof Geoffrey Lipman jitkellem
Written by Linda Hohnholz

Il-Professur Geoffrey Lipman kien l-ewwel CEO ta’ WTTC, Assistent Segretarju Ġenerali UNWTO and is head of SUNX, and president of the ICTP. Lipman is a respected expert on climate change and tourism. He had criticized  US president Trump on many occasions He resides in Brussels, Belgium and has his own view on the recent…

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  • He had criticized  US president Trump on many occasions He resides in Brussels, Belgium and has his own view on the recent….
  • Lipman huwa espert rispettat dwar it-tibdil fil-klima u t-turiżmu.
  • Il-Professur Geoffrey Lipman kien l-ewwel CEO ta’ WTTC, Assistent Segretarju Ġenerali UNWTO u huwa kap tas-SUNX, u president tal-ICTP.


Dwar l-Awtur

Linda Hohnholz

Editur ewlieni għal eTurboNews ibbażata fl-eTN HQ.

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