Konferenza tat-Turiżmu Sostenibbli tal-Karibew: Żvilupp tal-Ekoturiżmu u ħolqien tal-ġid


The idea of social entrepreneurship as a strategy for social and economic empowerment will come up for discussion at the region’s premier sustainable tourism gathering in late August. As part of a detailed programme to address some of the region’s pressing tourism issues, the Caribbean Conference on Sustainable Tourism Development – otherwise known as the…

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  • As part of a detailed programme to address some of the region's pressing tourism issues, the Caribbean Conference on Sustainable Tourism Development – otherwise known as the….
  • The idea of social entrepreneurship as a strategy for social and economic empowerment will come up for discussion at the region's premier sustainable tourism gathering in late August.
  • L-abbonament huwa B'XEJN.


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Editur tal-Assenjazzjoni Prinċipali

Il-Kap Editur tal-Assenjazzjoni huwa Oleg Siziakov

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