It-Turiżmu taż-Żambja jispjega lil Ben Parker

Written by Linda Hohnholz

The Zambia Tourism Agency announced the death of Ben Parker, Chairman and Co-founder of Tongabezi. The announcement reads: We are deeply saddened to announce that the Chairman and Co-Founder of Tongabezi, Ben Parker, has moved on to greater adventures after a courageous fight against cancer. Our thoughts are with his family, his wife Vanessa, his…

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  • Ninsabu mdejqin ħafna meta nħabbru li ċ-Chairman u l-Ko-Fundatur ta 'Tongabezi, Ben Parker, mexa għal avventuri akbar wara ġlieda kuraġġuża kontra l-kanċer.
  • The Zambia Tourism Agency announced the death of Ben Parker, Chairman and Co-founder of Tongabezi.
  • Our thoughts are with his family, his wife Vanessa, his….


Dwar l-Awtur

Linda Hohnholz

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