Prestazzjoni tal-lukanda Hawaii Nru. 1 fl-Istati Uniti u l-aqwa 10 madwar id-dinja

Written by Linda Hohnholz

In comparison to other top U.S. markets, hotels in the Hawaiian Islands recorded the highest average RevPAR and ADR in the first half of 2019. When compared to international “sun and sea” destinations, Hawaii found itself among the top 10 markets for RevPAR from January through June of this year. Through the first 6 months…

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  • markets, hotels in the Hawaiian Islands recorded the highest average RevPAR and ADR in the first half of 2019.
  • When compared to international “sun and sea” destinations, Hawaii found itself among the top 10 markets for RevPAR from January through June of this year.
  • Through the first 6 months….


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Linda Hohnholz

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