Martinique tissorvelja d-dħul biex tevita t-tixrid ta 'COVID-19

Martinique tissorvelja d-dħul biex tevita t-tixrid ta 'COVID-19
Martinique tissorvelja d-dħul biex tevita t-tixrid ta 'COVID-19
Written by Linda Hohnholz

The Martinique Tourism Authority, the Port of Martinique, and the Martinique International Airport are closely monitoring the island’s points of entry to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus and ensure the safety of its residents and visitors. As reported by the director of the Regional Health Agency’s (A.R.S.), the island is and remains in…

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  • L-Awtorità tat-Turiżmu ta’ Martinique, il-Port ta’ Martinique, u l-Ajruport Internazzjonali ta’ Martinique qed jimmonitorjaw mill-qrib il-punti tad-dħul tal-gżira biex jipprevjenu t-tixrid tal-koronavirus COVID-19 u jiżguraw is-sigurtà tar-residenti u l-viżitaturi tagħha.
  • As reported by the director of the Regional Health Agency's (A.
  • L-abbonament huwa B'XEJN.


Dwar l-Awtur

Linda Hohnholz

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