Il-Ġappun jikkanċella l-partit tas-sena d-dieħla ffinanzjat mill-gvern taċ-ċirasa

Il-Ġappun jikkanċella l-partit tas-sena d-dieħla ffinanzjat mill-gvern taċ-ċirasa
Il-Prim Ministru tal-Ġappun Shinzo Abe jikkanċella avveniment iffinanzjat mill-gvern taċ-ċirasa

Japan’s famous annual cherry blossom party, that has taken place in a Tokyo park every year since 1952 to honor people for their achievements, with the great and the good of Japanese political life mingling under the world-famous cherry blossom trees, is always eagerly anticipated by locals and visitors alike. But today, the Japanese government…

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  • Japan’s famous annual cherry blossom party, that has taken place in a Tokyo park every year since 1952 to honor people for their achievements, with the great and the good of Japanese political life mingling under the world-famous cherry blossom trees, is always eagerly anticipated by locals and visitors alike.
  • But today, the Japanese government….
  • eTurboNews l-artikoli huma għall-abbonati biss.


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Editur tal-Assenjazzjoni Prinċipali

Il-Kap Editur tal-Assenjazzjoni huwa Oleg Siziakov

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