Kemm aktar turisti qed iħallu impatt fuq il-lukandi tal-Hawaii

Oahu hotels earned RevPAR of $50 (-76.3%) in February, with ADR at $169 (-30.5%) and occupancy of 29.3 percent (-56.7 percentage points). Oahu’s February supply was 775,600 room nights (-9.5%). Waikiki hotels earned $45 (-78.0%) in RevPAR with ADR at $164 (-31.4%) and occupancy of 27.6 percent (-58.4 percentage points).

Lukandi fuq gżira ta ’Hawaii reported RevPAR of $98 (-62.0%), with ADR at $276 (-9.0%) and occupancy of 35.3 percent (-49.3 percentage points). The island of Hawaii’s February supply was 186,800 room nights (-0.2%). Kohala Coast hotels earned RevPAR of $154 (-59.5%), ADR at $445 (-2.5%) and occupancy of 34.6 percent (-48.6 percentage points).

Kauai hotels earned RevPAR of $48 (-82.0%), with ADR at $181 (-42.9%) and occupancy of 26.4 percent (-57.4 percentage points). Kauai’s February supply was 90,800 room nights, 22.9 percent lower than last February.

Tabelli tal-istatistika tal-prestazzjoni tal-lukandi, inkluża d-dejta ppreżentata fir-rapport huma disponibbli għall-wiri online fuq:   



Dwar l-Awtur

Linda Hohnholz, editur tal-eTN

Linda Hohnholz ilha tikteb u teditja artikli mill-bidu tal-karriera tax-xogħol tagħha. Hija applikat din il-passjoni intrinsika għal postijiet bħall-Hawaii Pacific University, Chaminade University, il-Hawaii Children's Discovery Centre, u issa TravelNewsGroup.

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