Kungress tal-Ewropa 2022: Dik hija wrap

Is-sena bdiet bil-ħdax-il edizzjoni tal-MCE Central & Eastern Europe, li kienet ospitata mill-belt sabiħa ta’ Budapest għat-tieni darba. Grazzi għall-isforzi konġunti tal-Kungress Ewropew, il-Budapest Convention Bureau u l-imsieħba kollha parteċipanti, dan l-avveniment irriżulta li kien il-bidu perfett għal sena eċċitanti. X'inhu l-eqdem avveniment tal-Kungress Ewropew jidher li qed jixjieħ bħal inbid tajjeb.

Bl-2022 waslet fi tmiemha, wasal iż-żmien li nħarsu lura lejn dik li s'issa kienet l-aktar sena intensa u ta' suċċess tal-Kungress Ewropew. Jegħlbu l-ħafna sfidi li l-industrija MICE ffaċċjat fis-snin li għaddew, il-Kungress Ewropew irnexxielu jlesti rimonta epika billi organizza b'suċċess 3 workshops distintivi tan-negozju MICE tagħhom u introduċa Events Club Forum, kunċett ta 'avveniment uniku, ġdid fis-suq!

Wara s-suċċess f'Budapest, kien wasal iż-żmien li tittir lejn Düsseldorf vibranti għall-MCE North & West Europe tant mistenni, li saret f'Mejju wara li ġiet posposta mill-2020. Grazzi għall-kooperazzjoni tal-Uffiċċju tal-Konvenzjoni ta' Düsseldorf u l-imsieħba l-oħra, Il-Kungress tal-Ewropa temm it-tieni avveniment tas-sena b'mod tajjeb.

Hekk kif wasal is-sajf, kien wasal iż-żmien li nippreżentaw l-aktar kunċett ġdid ta’ avveniment fis-suq li kien għadu: Events Club Forum. Billi għaqqad laqgħat B2B, esibizzjonijiet u oqsma ewlenin b'mod uniku, dan l-avveniment, li ġie organizzat b'kooperazzjoni mill-qrib maċ-ĊekTourism fi Praga sħarijiet, assolutament wowed lill-parteċipanti kollha.

To complete an outstanding year, Europe Congress held their last event as autumn leaves fell all around Spain’s trendy capital, Madrid. Thanks to the close support of the Madrid Convention Bureau, Meliá Avenida América, Visual Europe and all other partners, participants enjoyed the networking opportunities offered by the seventh edition of the MCE South Europe.

All in all, 2022 has been by far Europe Congress’ most successful year. Enabling the showcase of 4 different destinations and, more importantly, the creation new business connections of the highest quality between MICE solution providers and top-notch event planners from all around the globe, has set the bar very high for 2023.

The hypermotivated Europe Congress team are eager to surpass themselves in 2023, so they are already working tirelessly on next year’s events to provide their clients with experiences second to none in the market. Dresden, Porto, Prague, and Sevilla are the captivating MICE destinations that Europe Congress will be showcasing next year and where many new business partnerships will be created. On top of that, Europe Congress is also glad to announce a new addition to the next year’s event line-up: Events Club Associations Forum, in Salzburg.

When asked about 2023, Europe Congress’ Managing Director, Alain Pallas, stated that “2022 was marvellous and we’re stoked to start 2023. We’ll be presenting 5 events next year, where many new business connections and partnerships will be made. Our forums are successful as they bring value to all the participants, and therefore we will keep on striving to make all our upcoming forums even greater opportunities for that to happen. Till then we from Europe Congress want to wish everyone a happy holiday period and a wonderful new year!”


Dwar l-Awtur

Linda Hohnholz

Editur ewlieni għal eTurboNews ibbażata fl-eTN HQ.

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