Egypt Air iżżid sitt B787-9 Dreamliners biex jikru


Boeing and AerCap announced at the 2017 Dubai Airshow that EGYPTAIR will lease six Boeing 787-9 Dreamliners. EGYPTAIR, the national flag of Egypt, is leasing the airplanes from Dublin-based AerCap, the world’s largest 787 customer with more than 115 787s owned or on order. “The 787 Dreamliner has built a reputation for reliability, operational efficiency…

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  • EGYPTAIR, the national flag of Egypt, is leasing the airplanes from Dublin-based AerCap, the world’s largest 787 customer with more than 115 787s owned or on order.
  • “The 787 Dreamliner has built a reputation for reliability, operational efficiency….
  • eTurboNews l-artikoli huma għall-abbonati biss.


Dwar l-Awtur

Juergen T Steinmetz

Juergen Thomas Steinmetz ħadem kontinwament fl-industrija tal-ivvjaġġar u t-turiżmu minn meta kien adolexxenti fil-Ġermanja (1977).
Huwa waqqaf eTurboNews fl-1999 bħala l-ewwel newsletter onlajn għall-industrija tat-turiżmu tal-ivvjaġġar globali.

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