Centara Karon Resort huwa EarthCheck Star Performer

Centara Karon Resort Phuket has been awarded Star Performer status by EarthCheck, the international environmental and certification body for the travel and tourism industry.

Centara Karon Resort Phuket has been awarded Star Performer status by EarthCheck, the international environmental and certification body for the travel and tourism industry.

The resort, when assessed by EarthCheck, was found to have a sustainability policy in place, and to have eight categories performing at or above best practice level.

The categories are energy consumption, potable water consumption, waste sent to landfill, waste recycling rating, community contributions rating, paper products rating, cleaning products rating, and pesticide products rating.

“Centara Hotels & Resorts has environmental management and conservation as one of its highest priorities across our entire range of activities,” said David R. Good, Vice President for Operations.

“We are delighted that our Karon Resort property has won such a high accolade, as every member of our staff at the resort makes an individual contribution.

“Their enthusiasm is shared by many of our guests, who take an active part in the environment-related events and promotions that are organized at the resort,” Good said.

Bl-użu ta ’approċċ ibbażat fuq ix-xjenza, EarthCheck jgħin lil bosta mill-kumpaniji ewlenin fid-dinja tal-ivvjaġġar u t-turiżmu jindirizzaw ir-riskju, iwasslu effiċjenzi tal-linja tal-qiegħ, jimmassimizzaw l-esperjenza tal-klijenti, u jimminimizzaw il-footprints ambjentali tagħhom.

EarthCheck jintuża f'aktar minn 80 pajjiż madwar id-dinja u jappoġġja n-netwerk ta 'membri tiegħu b'tim ta' maniġers tar-relazzjonijiet dedikati, għodod onlajn, workshops reġjonali regolari, u sett ta 'pakketti ta' taħriġ.

Centara Karon Resort Phuket is a modern mid-rise resort divided into four resort zones catering to individuals, families, couples, and discerning travelers. All zones have panoramic views of Karon Beach and the lush hinterland of hills behind.

The resort has earlier successfully achieved the EarthCheck Certification Bronze Status. To gain this, the resort had to report its environmental footprint to independent auditors and adhere to internationally-recognized standards of best practice.

Centara Hotels & Resorts huwa l-operatur ewlieni tat-Tajlandja ta 'lukandi, b'38 proprjetà deluxe u tal-ewwel klassi li jkopru d-destinazzjonijiet turistiċi ewlenin kollha fir-renju. 17 resorts oħra fil-Maldivi; Filippini; Il-Vjetnam; Bali, l-Indoneżja; Sri Lanka; u l-Oċean Indjan tal-Mawrizju, iġib it-total preżenti għal 55 propjetà. Ditti u proprjetajiet fi ħdan Centara jiżguraw li kategoriji speċifiċi bħal koppji, familji, individwi, u laqgħat u gruppi ta ’inċentivi kollha jsibu lukanda jew resort li jkun xieraq għall-bżonnijiet tagħhom. Centara topera 25 fergħa ta 'Spa Cenvaree, waħda mill-aktar marki ta' spa luxurious u innovattivi tat-Tajlandja, u l-Kids 'Club tal-kumpanija huwa disponibbli fir-resorts kollha favur il-familja biex jiġi żgurat li ż-żgħażagħ u ż-żagħżagħ jiġu kkurati. Centara Hotels & Resorts topera wkoll żewġ ċentri ta ’konvenzjoni state-of-the-art f’Bangkok u wieħed f’Udon Thani fil-grigal tat-Tajlandja.

Għal aktar informazzjoni u riservi, jekk jogħġbok ikkuntattja lit-tel. +662 101 1234 est. 1 jew e-mail lil [protett bl-email] jew żur: http://www.centarahotelsresorts.com.

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Dwar l-Awtur

Linda Hohnholz

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