Destinazzjoni lussuża tal-Karibew Tistieden lil Tiktokers

Baha Mar, id-destinazzjoni ewlenija tal-lussu tal-Karibew fil-Baħamas, qed issejjaħ lill-ħallieqa tal-kontenut TikTok kollha biex jidħlu għaċ-ċans li jirbħu vjaġġ bi spejjeż kollha mħallsa lejn il-resort popolari. Permezz tal-konkors Show the World Your Life Spectacular tal-midja soċjali – li issa huwa dirett u għaddej sa nofs il-lejl fil-Lvant tat-30 ta’ Diċembru – Baha Mar qed tfittex erba’ professjonisti TikTok li jħobbu l-ivvjaġġar, ikel ta’ klassi dinjija, waterparks, avventuri fl-oċeani, natura, arti , u shopping.

Baha mar, id-destinazzjoni ewlenija tal-lussu tal-Karibew fil-Baħamas, qed issejjaħ lill-ħallieqa tal-kontenut TikTok kollha biex jidħlu għaċ-ċans li jirbħu vjaġġ bi spejjeż kollha mħallsa lejn il-resort popolari. Permezz tal- Uri lid-Dinja Ħajja Tiegħek spettakolari konkors tal-midja soċjali – li issa huwa dirett u jibqa’ għaddej sa nofs il-lejl fil-Lvant tat-30 ta’ Diċembruth – Baha Mar qed tfittex erba’ professjonisti ta’ TikTok li jħobbu l-ivvjaġġar, ikel ta’ klassi dinjija, parks tal-ilma, avventuri fl-oċeani, natura, arti u xiri.

L-erba’ rebbieħa xxurtjati, u l-mistednin tagħhom, se joqogħdu fit-tliet Baha Mar Resorts kollha, biex jesperjenzaw għaliex kull wieħed huwa uniku, kollha filwaqt li joħolqu kontenut li juri dak kollu li jagħmel il-ħajja tassew spettakolari.

Tlieta mill-erba’ rebbieħa se jkunu mistiedna jesperjenzaw Baha Mar waqt waqfa indimentikabbli ta’ tliet iljieli, filwaqt li r-rebbieħ tal-premju kbir wieħed se jintgħażel biex jesperjenza Baha Mar's Spectacular 100. Ir-rebbieħ tal-premju kbir huwa xi ħadd li jħobb jagħmel dan kollu fuq vaganza , u ċertament se hekk kif jesploraw kull aspett tar-resort biex jaqbdu l-firxa wiesgħa ta 'esperjenzi u offerti f'Baha Mar, billi jieħdu sehem fi u jaqbdu żjara ta' 10 ijiem mimlija azzjoni.

Baha Mar invites TikTok creators to Show the World Their Life Spectacular for the chance to win an all-expense paid trip

Three of the prize packages will include:

  • A three-night stay at Baha Mar, featuring one-night at each resort including the Grand Hyatt Baha Mar, SLS Baha Mar, and Rosewood Baha Mar
  • Experience an action-packed itinerary throughout Baha Mar, including dining and experiences
  • Roundtrip airfare valued up to $1,500

The grand prize package will include:

  • A 10-night stay at Baha Mar, featuring three or four nights at each resort including the Grand Hyatt Baha Mar, SLS Baha Mar, and Rosewood Baha Mar
  • Indulge in an action-packed itinerary of Baha Mar’s 100 most spectacular offerings, including dining and experiences
  • Roundtrip airfare valued up to $1,500

To enter, creators must follow @BahaMarResorts on TikTok and create a video using the hashtags #LifeSpectacular and #Contest that is no longer than two minutes, explaining why they should be selected to show the world the most spectacular experiences at Baha Mar by midnight on December 18, 2022.

“The creation of the official Baha Mar TikTok, and this vibrant contest, is our way of inviting the content creator community to show us their incredible work on a platform we know adds value to the hospitality industry,” said Bryan Guillot, Chief Marketing Officer, Baha Mar. “We understand how important it is for travelers to share their experiences on social media, and we want to launch our TikTok by partnering with those that do it best to celebrate The Bahamasand everything that Baha Mar has to offer.”

Winners will be announced on January 4, 2023 and will be notified by email or via TikTok. Terms and conditions apply. Nominees must be 21 years or older and a legal resident of the United States. Prize packages must be booked within 6-10 weeks of notification, and blackout dates apply.

Follow the Show the World Your Life Spectacular contest by searching #LifeSpectacular and @BahaMarResorts on TikTok. More details regarding Baha Mar’s Show the World Your Life Spectacular contest, including how to enter and the winning prizes, may be found hawn.

Dwar Baha Mar

Baha Mar is a master planned integrated resort development situated on 1,000 acres overlooking the world’s famous Cable Beach. The white sand beach destination includes three global brand operators – Grand Hyatt, SLS, and Rosewood – over 2,300 rooms and more than 45 restaurants and lounges, the largest casino in the Caribbean, a state-of-the-art convention center, Royal Blue Golf Course, an 18-hole Jack Nicklaus signature course, a brand new $200 million Baha Bay luxury water park, the Caribbean’s first and only flagship ESPA spa, and over 30 luxury retail outlets. Baha Mar is a breathtaking location with dynamic programming, activities, and guest offerings in one of the most beautiful places in the world – The Bahamas. For more information and reservations, visit


Dwar l-Awtur

Dmytro Makarov

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