Il-Bord tat-Turiżmu ta 'Ħong Kong jinjora l-kriżi li twiegħed getaway tal-familja bla tbatija

Discover HongKong , the official website of the Hong Kong Tourism Board is promising tourists wanting to visit the Chinese territory a hassle-free family getaway and a cool summer with an array of shops, eat and play adventures throughout the city. Instead of updating frustrated tourists and inform future visitors, the tourism suggests visitors should…

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  • Discover HongKong , the official website of the Hong Kong Tourism Board is promising tourists wanting to visit the Chinese territory a hassle-free family getaway and a cool summer with an array of shops, eat and play adventures throughout the city.
  • Instead of updating frustrated tourists and inform future visitors, the tourism suggests visitors should….
  • L-abbonament huwa B'XEJN.


Dwar l-Awtur

Juergen T Steinmetz

Juergen Thomas Steinmetz ħadem kontinwament fl-industrija tal-ivvjaġġar u t-turiżmu minn meta kien adolexxenti fil-Ġermanja (1977).
Huwa waqqaf eTurboNews fl-1999 bħala l-ewwel newsletter onlajn għall-industrija tat-turiżmu tal-ivvjaġġar globali.

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