L-aqwa ajruporti nkurunati fl-ewwel heat reġjonali tar-Routes-OAG Airport Marketing Awards

Routes and OAG (Official Airline Guide) on Monday celebrated the first regional heat of their acclaimed Routes-OAG Airport Marketing Awards and announced the winners for the Americas region.

It-Tnejn ir-Rotot u l-OAG (Gwida Uffiċjali tal-Linji tal-Ajru) iċċelebraw l-ewwel sħana reġjonali tal-Premjijiet tal-Marketing tal-Ajruport tar-Rotot-OAG milqugħin tagħhom u ħabbru r-rebbieħa għar-reġjun tal-Ameriki. It-trofej ġew ippreżentati waqt l-ikla ta’ gala prestiġjuża tat-2nd Routes Americas, fejn 200 delegat gawdew miċ-ċelebrazzjonijiet fil-broadwalk Plaza Flamingo ħdejn il-laguna f’Cancun, il-Messiku.

Winners were chosen from three categories: North America, South America, and the Caribbean. While Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport picked up an award for best airport in North America, Quito International Airport scooped in the South America category. Las Américas International Airport, Santo Domingo (Aerodom), was crowned best of its kind in the Caribbean.

The overall winner for the entire Americas region is Dallas/Fort Worth. The airport will now automatically be shortlisted in the relevant category for the World Awards, to be held at World Routes in Beijing from September 13-15, 2009. There they will compete against winners from the other regional Routes events: Routes Asia (Hyderabad, March 29-31), Routes Europe (Prague, May 17-19), and Routes Africa (Marrakech, June 7-9).

Il-votazzjoni għar-Rotots-OAG Americas Awards bdiet f'nofs Jannar u kienet miftuħa sa Frar. Matul dan il-perjodu, il-linji tal-ajru nnominaw l-ajruporti preferuti tagħhom fuq il-websajt uffiċjali ta' Routes fuq www.routesonline.com billi jużaw kriterji bħall-attivitajiet ta' riċerka tas-suq tal-ajruport u attivitajiet ta' komunikazzjoni ta' kummerċjalizzazzjoni. L-ajruporti magħżula mbagħad kellhom jissottomettu studju ta’ każ biex jappoġġaw in-nomini tagħhom lil panel ta’ esperti tal-industrija li għażlu r-rebbieħa.

The Airport Marketing Awards were previously held solely at the World event. The regional heats were introduced to give all airports within each region the chance to be considered and win an award purely based on their marketing activities.

Sejħa tar-rebbieħa:

- L-Amerka ta 'Fuq
Winners: Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, www.dfwairport.com
Highly Commended: Cancun International Airport, John C. Munro Hamilton International Airport

- L-Amerika t'Isfel
Winner: Quito International Airport, www.quiport.com
Imfaħħar ħafna: Ajruport Internazzjonali Jorge Chávez, Lima

– Caribbean
Winner: Las Américas International Airport, Santo Domingo (Aerodom), www.aerodom.com
Imfaħħar ħafna: Ajruport Internazzjonali ta 'Curacao, Ajruport ta' Nassau

– Overall Winner
Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, www.dfwairport.com


Dwar l-Awtur

Linda Hohnholz

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