Lejl għal u bi Stilel tal-Films, Dinja sabiħa ta ’Films, Stil Venezjan

The programs of theoretical and practical seminars involving the selected young artists, divided into several sessions to be held between April and September and led by a team of tutors (Samir Odeh-Tamimi, Jennifer Walshe, Andreas Fischer, Guido Barbieri, Thierry Coduys, Guglielmo Bottin, Roberto Benozzo, Catherine Simonpietri) will end with the presentation of six original works and the performance of important pieces of contemporary vocal music.

Ta 154 submissions from 26 different countries, 4 composers, 3 performers, and 1 vocal ensemble have been selected.

They are the composers’ Maria Vincenza Cabizza and Manuel Hidalgo Navas who will present two original pieces for vocal ensemble;  the composers’ Jack Sheen u, Chonglian Yu, who will author two site-specific sound installations which also rely on pre-recorded vocal material; the performers Daniele Carcassi, Xu Tong Lee u, Agita Reķe, who will present experimental performances working with the pre-recorded voice; and finally the vocal ensemble evo, with members Veronica Bartolomei, Eleonora Braconi, Alessandro Cavazzani, Cinzia D’Anella, Ervin Dos Santos, and Emanuele Gizzi, who for the Festival will perform a series of fundamental pages in contemporary vocal literature.

The electronic part will be produced in the studios of the Centre for Computer Music and Multimedia of La Biennale di Venezia (CIMM), which will provide the required hardware and software under the guidance of the sound engineer Thierry Coduys.

B'kollaborazzjoni ma ' Rai Radio3, 5 audio documentaries will be produced by Giovanna Natalini for the show Tre soldi: a logbook to follow the composition and performance workshop by the young artists of the Biennale College, from the ideation to the production of their original projects.


A Festival dedicated to choral music in the city that has been a breeding ground for vocal counterpoint looks at this ancient past in four live music lessons. In collaboration with Radju Rai 3 u prodott minn Paola Damiani, the composer, musicologist, and pianist Giovanni Bietti will hold four lessons in Venetian vocal polyphony live from the Sala delle Colonne at Ca’ Giustinian, the Biennale headquarters: from the Salmi by Adrien Willaert to the Magnificat by Antonio Vivaldi, “to demonstrate to the listener the remarkable modern quality of this music, which continues to be a source of inspiration for many of today’s compositions” (G. Bietti).

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La Biennale di Venezia, in the context of the Edizzjoni 6 (2021-2022) tal- Biennale College Cinema – Virtual Reality for the development and production of Virtual Reality projects, announces an Sejħa Internazzjonali li tagħżel 10 VR projects presented by teams of director and producer, coming from all over the world.


Biennale College Cinema – Virtual Reality will organize an workshop internazzjonali, li qed iseħħ minn 12-18 January  2022. From this moment on, the activities of the previously launched Italian call and the International call will follow the same path. During the first workshop, the project teams work with a dedicated group of tuturi including story developers, creative technologists, and visual advisors, to fully develop their projects from all perspectives.

The core training is complemented by a program of presentations given by invited guests focusing on different aspects of VR production.

To equip the producers and directors with the knowledge of how to introduce their projects to potential partners the International workshop includes a pitch-training module.
Project teams get the opportunity to practice these skills in preparation for the final presentation of all the projects on the last day of the workshop to La Biennale.

After the international workshop, all Timijiet 12 have to work on their projects and deliver updated materials by 7th February 2022. On receipt of these materials, the Venice International Film Festival Director will select up to 3 VR projects biex tattendi l - tieni żvilupp internazzjonali workshop, and following the workshop, up to 1 project to be considered for further production support. The Director’s decision will be announced by the end of February 2022.


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Juergen T Steinmetz

Juergen Thomas Steinmetz ħadem kontinwament fl-industrija tal-ivvjaġġar u t-turiżmu minn meta kien adolexxenti fil-Ġermanja (1977).
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