Madrid Jivvjaġġa lejn Chicago u New York City biex Isaħħaħ it-Turiżmu

In an effort to solidify the North American market as its main source of international tourism, Madrid City Council Tourism Department successfully executed a roadshow in the United States, visiting both Chicago and New York City from September 12 to September 14. Executives from Madrid Tourism Board hosted an extensive agenda of events and strategic meetings, most of which involved the…

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  • Fi sforz biex jissolidifika s-suq tal-Amerika ta 'Fuq bħala s-sors ewlieni tiegħu ta' turiżmu internazzjonali, id-Dipartiment tat-Turiżmu tal-Kunsill tal-Belt ta 'Madrid wettaq b'suċċess roadshow fl-Istati Uniti, u żar kemm Chicago kif ukoll New York City mit-12 ta' Settembru sal-14 ta 'Settembru.
  • Executives from Madrid Tourism Board hosted an extensive agenda of events and strategic meetings, most of which involved the….
  • L-abbonament huwa B'XEJN.


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Dmytro Makarov

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