Il-Kolombja Maqbuda minn 6.0 Terremot

Il-Kolombja milquta minn terremot ta ’6.0
Terremot tal-Kolombja
Written by Linda Hohnholz

A 6.0 magnitude earthquake struck Colombia today, December 24, 2019, at 19:03:52 UTC shaking buildings in the capital, Bogota. This makes 2 quakes taking place in South America in the same day, as a same-magnitude earthquake also struck Argentina a few hours earlier. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake was centered around 100 miles…

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  • Dan jagħmel 2 terremoti fl-Amerika t'Isfel fl-istess jum, hekk kif terremot tal-istess qawwa laqat ukoll lill-Arġentina ftit sigħat qabel.
  • L-U.
  • Geological Survey said the quake was centered around 100 miles….


Dwar l-Awtur

Linda Hohnholz

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