Hilton Hotels fil-Mjanmar iniedi l-programm "CoffeeBriques"


Hilton Hotels in Myanmar has launched a program that turns waste coffee grounds into “coffeeBriques” that can be used for cooking and heating. The simple steps to make coffeeBriques were demonstrated for the first-time last Saturday at Hilton Mandalay, the first Hilton property in Myanmar to launch the program. Coffee briques are eco-friendly fuel alternatives…

eTurboNews l-artikoli huma għall-abbonati biss. Abbonament huwa FREE.
L-abbonati jidħlu hawn Ikklikkja hawn biex tabbona B'XEJN


  • Il-passi sempliċi biex tagħmel coffeeBriques intwerew għall-ewwel darba nhar is-Sibt li għadda f'Hilton Mandalay, l-ewwel proprjetà Hilton fil-Mjanmar li tnieda l-programm.
  • Hilton Hotels in Myanmar has launched a program that turns waste coffee grounds into “coffeeBriques” that can be used for cooking and heating.
  • Coffee briques are eco-friendly fuel alternatives….


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Il-Kap Editur tal-Assenjazzjoni huwa Oleg Siziakov

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