6.3 Terremot Rattles Kolombja

A strong 6.3 magnitude quake shook the Bogota capital of Colombia as well as other cities such as Medellín and Cali. The initial quake was followed shortly by a strong 5.7 aftershock sending people out into the streets and causing damage to buildings. image courtesy of Alerta Mundial via X The epicenters of both quakes…

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  • It-terremot inizjali kien segwit dalwaqt minn 5 qawwi.
  • image courtesy of Alerta Mundial via X The epicenters of both quakes….
  • 3 magnitude quake shook the Bogota capital of Colombia as well as other cities such as Medellín and Cali.


Dwar l-Awtur

Linda Hohnholz

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