Holiday Inn Hotel & Convention Centre Redding California taħt tmexxija ġdida

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il Holiday Inn Hotel & Convention Center, a 125-room full-service hotel located near the Shasta Cascade region in Redding, California signed a management contract with Marin Management, Inc., a California-based hotel management company.

Conveniently located near downtown Redding, Holiday Inn Hotel & Convention Center offers the area’s largest privately-owned convention center, with six meeting rooms and more than 8,000 square feet of event space. On-site amenities include a swimming pool, jacuzzi spa, fitness center, business center, and Braided Mane, the hotel’s on-site restaurant and bar.

“We’re pleased to work with Holiday Inn Hotel & Convention Center to provide a network of sales support, resources, and guidance on managing costs and operations during this difficult period,” said Gary Hogan, CEO of Hogan Hospitality, the parent company of Marin Management. “The hospitality industry is facing unprecedented challenges as a result of COVID-19 and we’re focused on helping our clients plan for the recovery and reopening period, which will be especially critical in the coming months.”

Hogan Hospitality u s-sussidjarji tagħha, Marin Management u Hawaiian Hotels and Resorts, joperaw aktar minn 30 lukanda tad-ditta u indipendenti madwar California, Arizona, Texas, Wyoming u Hawaii.


  • “The hospitality industry is facing unprecedented challenges as a result of COVID-19 and we're focused on helping our clients plan for the recovery and reopening period, which will be especially critical in the coming months.
  • Convention Center, a 125-room full-service hotel located near the Shasta Cascade region in Redding, California signed a management contract with Marin Management, Inc.
  • Convention Center to provide a network of sales support, resources, and guidance on managing costs and operations during this difficult period,” said Gary Hogan, CEO of Hogan Hospitality, the parent company of Marin Management.

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Juergen T Steinmetz

Juergen Thomas Steinmetz ħadem kontinwament fl-industrija tal-ivvjaġġar u t-turiżmu minn meta kien adolexxenti fil-Ġermanja (1977).
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